Welcome to Golem + Gitcoin GR9 Hackathon #2: mainnet is here!
The Golem + Gitcoin GR9Hackathon #2: mainnet is here! is an online hackathon designed to allow developers to build on top of the platform, and compete for prizes running along Gitcoin GR9 hackathon.
Golem Network is a cloud computing power service where everyone can develop, manage and execute workloads in an unstoppable, inexpensive and censorship-free environment.
The hackathon will be held in participation with Gitcoin, and we will also host an introductory workshop where we’ll give an overview of Golem. Adding to the hackathon, we will publish several complementary bounties: one for a Layer 2 payment solution using the Polygon technology, and one or two related to visual arts.
Further technical information, and a SDK, can be found here. The hackathon submissions will be aggregated to our awesome-golem directory, social media, and Gitcoin’s social media, and in the future, featured in a website section.
Note: Most categories do not require blockchain / smart contracts previous knowledge. You can build on Golem as if you’d build on a regular cloud compute platform. Check out the category to see the specific requirements!
Open Track Bounty: May the most compelling application win! The Open Track’s main rule is to build a great application on top of Golem’s Beta 1. Please note that the app has to be working to be considered for this bounty.
Gaming on Golem: There are many types of games that require computation back-end. If you can distribute the game computation into multiple nodes, try to implement the game on golem. Come build your game on Golem!
Golem for Social Good: We’d love for someone to build an app with a use-case that can help people or the natural environment. This category can also run on a join-effort with MIT Solve: you can browse the list of MIT Solve projects participating in the hackathon and help them develop their needs on top of Golem, or you can develop your own idea.
MIT Solve’s projects participating in the Hackathon will be published on Github.
Best DeFi app: If you’re into DeFi and distributed computing, we challenge you to build an app! Use Golem however you deem necessary, as long as the platform is included in your app’s architecture!
Hack Golem: Have any ideas of cool add-ons or improvements for Golem? Go for it, we will be stoked to see it!
How to register
You can register here! And don’t miss our Hackathons repository and Knowledge Base.
Any disputes arising out of or in connection with the hackathon shall be exclusively decided by the ordinary courts of the city of Zug, Switzerland and in accordance to Swiss law.
Make sure to read our privacy policy.
If you have any questions — please join us on discord or comment on the Reddit thread. We are very excited to have this hackathon, it took a lot of love and work to prepare it and adjust it to Golem’s needs and the community’s expectations. We are looking forward to your participation!
Originally published at https://blog.golemproject.net on March 12, 2021.